In March of 2018, Mr. Stephen Kozan and Mr. Tony Maulfair came to my school for a visit and spoke about perseverance. Mr. Kozan explained how he was able to overcome multiple rejections and get his books published by not giving up. Who would have guessed at that time, his visit would change my life unexpectedly.
During his visit, he talked about the process of making a book, the writing method and other related information. It was very educational and interesting. Then he talked about his “flash fiction” contest where we could come up with a story beginning or idea that fit on one side of a page. He said if he chose our idea it could become a published book. So during my free time that day, I came up with an idea. I went home and wrote the beginning of a story. Turning it in the next day, I did not think much about it again until I received the news I was a finalist. So after completing the next phase, I found out the following week that I had been chosen to have my story published.
Over the summer, I worked on my book. I learned more about the writing process. I found it was really fun and exciting but yet at the same time difficult, stressful, and some days frustrating. At times, I doubted that I would be able to complete such a large project. I had never written more than an essay for school, so how was I going to complete a book. But as Mr. Kozan did, I persevered and kept going. My family encouraged me and even though it seemed to take forever, I completed my book earlier than expected.
The visit to my school changed my life. I am a shy person but I was able to write a book and put my ideas into thoughts on the pages. I learned different aspects of the process of getting a book published. It was so cool. If Mr. Kozan had never visited, I would not have had this opportunity. I learned that I should never give up in any aspect of my life. Also, this whole experience gave me a new respect for the authors who get published as well as those who never do. Writing is hard but incredibly satisfying. Thank you, Mr. Kozan, for choosing my story and taking a chance on me. This experience has made me a better writer and more confident person. I am so glad that other kids will have the same opportunity when you visit their schools.